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How  Much  Does a Longboard Surfboard Weigh?

Generally, longboard surfboards are heavier than shortboard surfboards.  A longboard surfboard typically weighs around 20 pounds while their shorter opposite weighs an average of 6-7 pounds.

The size of your surfboard will affect its weight. Generally, longer, thicker, and broader surfboards should be relatively heavier.

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White Frame Corner

One reason why you should pay attention to the weight of your surfboard is speed.  Heavier boards are more likely to move at slower speeds compared to the lighter ones.

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White Frame Corner

Apart from speed, weight matters in the floatation of your surfboard.  Compared to the lighter boards, heavy boards will have lower floatation.


As surfboards get older, they will not be as strong as they were. When you repair the damage, the board can take on some extra weight.


You may notice that over time, your surfboard feels heavier than it was when you bought it.

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